
Local Weather Warning Coordination
Date: 09/29/10 6:30 pm - 09/29/10 8:30 pm
Location: Natural History Museum of Los Angeles

COSEE West presents the first FREE lecture in the 2010-2011 series on Local Weather Warning Coordination.

Speaker: Eric Boldt, NOAA National Weather Service – Warning Coordination Meteorologist for National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard who is responsible for warning and outreach programs for over 12 million southern California residents.

Please join us for:

  • LECTURE about local weather warning coordination
  • EDUCATORS’ SESSION with light supper and a little time to discuss the lecture with our speaker
  • GIVE-AWAY of science education materials

We are giving away science education materials, equipment, kits, posters, stickers, etc. that have been accumulating in Gwen’s office… making it nearly impossible to work! So PLEASE come, get, and use this stuff in your classroom! Bring a bag with you!

Contact Name: Gwen Noda
Contact Phone: (310) 206-8247
Contact Email:

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