
Changes in Latitude
Date: 09/17/13 7:00 PM ET | 4:00 PM PT - 09/17/13 8:00 PM ET | 5:00 PM PT
Location: Online
Attendance: Free

Join us for the first installment of a three-part webinar series on the Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study (SPURS).

Changes In Latitude
Featuring Julius Busecke (Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory)
It may be easy to think about studying the ocean by looking at a small section of it, but the reality is that water is constantly on the move. While highlighting his own research within the SPURS area, Julius will demonstrate how the atmosphere affects the water cycle both on land and in the ocean, and how the movement of seawater plays a crucial role in our understanding global ocean circulation.

Webinar Archive

For more information on SPURS, please visit the SPURS Education website.

Contact Name: Carla Companion
Contact Phone: (207) 563-8175
Contact Email:

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