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Ocean Overturning and Heat Distribution

Grade level: 5-8
Theme: climate
Video: salinity_and_climate_2.flv

One of the concerns we've had is whether or not the salinity changes will impact what's called the very large-scale ocean overturning circulation, what many people refer to as "the global ocean conveyer belt". And so that overturning of the ocean plays a large role in our climate. And not just (sort of) a climate that we think of in a really abstract sense but it really means a lot for the climate that we live in because that ocean overturning redistributes the heat.
Student Outcomes 
After viewing this video, students should be able to:
Explain that the ocean holds a large amount of heat and the effect this has on climate. (C: 5-8)

Key:  C = climate / O = ocean circulation / T = 21st century technology / W = water cycle