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Climate Change and the Global Ocean: Satellites View Earth in a Different Light

Grade level: 9-12
Theme: water cycle
Video: global_ocean_03.flv

Other kinds of satellite sensors look at the Earth in a far different light. Heat sensing satellite instruments take the Earth's temperature by measuring infrared energy. Infrared wavelengths are invisible to our eyes, but some satellites can see them. And, as our climate changes, we can see ocean temperatures on the rise.

Other satellites show us peaks and valleys, not just on land - but, believe it or not - on the surface of the ocean. And as ice on land melts, there are increasingly more highs than lows. Sea level is rising.
Student Outcomes 
After viewing this video, students should be able to:
Explain how new technology can enhance the gathering and manipulation of oceanic data. (T: 9-12)
Determine if global precipitation, evaporation, and the cycling of water are changing. (W: 9-12)

Key:  C = climate / O = ocean circulation / T = 21st century technology / W = water cycle