Day Three


1. Give students class time to work on their written pieces.

2. Students with free time will help others proofread their assignments.

3. Students will have the option of starting on their illustrations.


Books on Greek mythology for the students to read in free-read time and for reference

Classroom dictionaries

Procedure for Day Three

1. Review the assignment.

2. While class continues to work on their own myths, have each student come back to personally review their rough draft with the instructor. Critique the student's work and encourage.

3. If there is still time at the end of the period, allow the students to continue working and discuss their work and stories with each other.

4. Offer to give students any additional help they need.

5. Students who are ahead of the rest may start on the illustration of their story.


Writing Materials

Art materials (Paper, crayons, colored pencils, markers, water color paints. Students may use computer graphics but the graphics have to be original or modified by the student, not just clip art.)

Assessment for Day Three

1. Evaluate with each individual student their progress.

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