Thomas  Keller - Senior Program Officer
Contact Info:

Board on Science Education, National Academy of Science
500 5th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (207) 586-6943

Thomas Keller
Senior Program Officer
Board on Science Education, National Academy of Science

External Advisory Committee member

Primary COSEE Affiliation: Ocean Systems

Other affiliations:

Interaction with COSEE Network:

Attends COSEE-OS External Advisory Committee meetings

Background with Respect to Ocean Sciences Education:

Ed.D. University of Massachusetts; principal architect of the original Maine's Learning Results; past president of the national Council of State Science Supervisors; served on the NRC's National Committee on Science Education Standards and Assessment that oversaw production of the National Science Education Standards; served on the NRC's K-12 Committee on Science Education; chaired a working group of state science supervisors; served as a design team member for the NRC's Committee on Test Design for K-12 Science Achievement; recently served as the Director of Secondary Instruction at a high school in Maine

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