Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence

List All People

Each Center has a directory for posting images and information about the people associated with that Center. Users can sort the directory by name or organization. Click here to view a portion of the COSEE-OS directory.

To view all people in your directory, click on the link for List All People located under PEOPLE on the Admin page. This will open the List People page (see image at right).

To sort your people (up or down), click on any of the header names (first name, last name, organization, or status).

To view a person's profile, click on their name (roll your mouse over Christy Herren's name or click here to view her profile in a separate window).

To edit a person's profile, click on the pen and paper icon located on the right side of the page between the magnifying glass and the trash can. This will open the Edit Person page (roll your mouse over the pen and paper icon for Christy Herren).

To delete a person's profile, click on the trash can.

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