
Community Meeting Scheduled for Nov. 3-4, 2010 - 08.10.2010

This November 3-4, COSEE will host a Community Meeting in Washington, DC to formulate a strategic vision for the COSEE Network. This Community Meeting represents a critical step for furthering COSEE’s efforts to create robust and enduring links between the ocean sciences research community and the education/outreach communities for the purpose of developing innovative, high-visibility Broader Impact efforts.

To ensure broad community representation and full consideration of emerging opportunities and new directions, the meeting’s Steering Committee invites participants both internal and external to the National COSEE Network to submit applications to attend the meeting. Due to limited space and resources, approximately 65 participants in the Community Meeting will be selected from the applicant pool to ensure a balance between members of the COSEE community and those not affiliated with COSEE.

For detailed information on the Community Meeting click here. To apply to participate in the meeting, go to the Community Meeting Application. Application deadline: September 10, 2010.

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