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Meeting Ocean Scientist's Needs to Improve the Communication of Their Science Research: What COSEE-OS Has Learned
Category: COSEE Conference Resources, Ocean Sciences 2010
Resource Type: Powerpoint Presentation
Date Posted: 03/03/2010
Poster image

Error is a given when trying to communicate the relationships among complicated science concepts. Communication research has identified at least 11 sources of error that the scientist needs to minimize: error due to the sender, encoding, the message, the channel of communication, the receiver, decoding, the audience, the physical environment, the social environment, the political and economic environment, and/or time.

COSEE-OS has developed a professional development model for scientists and online tools to minimize these eleven sources of error (not eliminate them because that is not an achievable goal). Particular attention is paid to minimizing the encoding and decoding sources of error through the use of online concept mapping tools which graphically communicate the scientist's logic of how they think, non-linearly, about the relationships among their various concepts of interest.

Presented by: J. Theodore Repa, Annette deCharon, and Christy Herren
2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR

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