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Carbon Stabilization Wedge Game
Global carbon dioxide

The Carbon Stabilization Wedge game, a unique, hands-on learning tool, helps students learn the impacts of different strategies for reducing greenhouse gases. To emphasize the need for early action, this activity strives to drive home the scale of the carbon mitigation challenge and the tradeoffs involved in planning climate policy. It uses the the concept of 'stabilization wedges' - 25 billion ton "wedges" that need to be cut out of predicted future carbon emissions in the next 50 years to avoid a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide over pre-industrial levels. Suggested time of activity is 2-3 standard (40-50 minute) class periods to prepare for and play the Stabilization Wedges game. The pdf contains: An introduction to the carbon and climate problem and the stabilization wedge concept , descriptions of currently available mitigation tools that have the capacity to reduce future emissions by at least one wedge, and the materials and instructions for carrying out the Stabilization Wedges Game. Grade level: 9-College.

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