
Asking the Auks about Climate Change in the Arctic
Date: 05/28/09 6:30 pm - 05/28/09 8:30 pm
Location: The Huntington Library, San Marino, CA

Since 2001, Dr. Karnovsky has studied the effects of global warming on the marine food web of the Greenland Sea. She studies how Arctic seabirds (auks) respond to warmer ocean temperatures. While at-sea, she and her undergraduate students make oceanographic measurements. While on land, they determine how the foraging and reproductive behavior of seabirds are influenced by those oceanographic conditions.

Dr. Karnovsky received a Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology from UC Irvine and has a Master's of Science degree from Montana State University. She has been conducting research on the responses of Arctic and Antarctic top predators to climate change since 1992.

Contact Name: UCLA COSEE West office
Contact Phone: (310) 206-8247
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