
Dreamless Sleeper: The Lure of the Greenland Shark
Date: 10/15/09 7:00 pm - 10/15/09 8:30 pm
Location: Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, CA

John Steinbeck wrote that, “An ocean without its unnamed monsters would be like a completely dreamless sleep.”

One such mythical unnamed “monster” has come to be known as the Greenland shark. Until recently, few humans had ever seen this deep sea Arctic shark alive, and the Greenland shark is still virtually unknown to science. Mr. Jeffrey Gallant and Dr. Chris Harvey-Clark, researchers at the Greenland Shark and Elasmobranch Education and Research Group (GEERG), will speak about the rare and elusive shark — the only shark known to live in Arctic waters year-round. Gallant and Harvey-Clark will use a multimedia presentation to share how they searched for and ultimately found a population of Greenland sharks. Underwater video footage (that has never been shown publicly before) will reveal some of the mysteries surrounding this apex predator.

Contact Name: Jane
Contact Phone: (213) 740-4693
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