
Intra-Terrestrials: Scientific Discovery in the Subseafloor
Date: 03/23/11 6:15 pm - 03/23/11 8:30 pm
Location: Aquarium of the Pacific

COSEE West invites you, your colleagues and students, family and friends to learn more about what lives below the bottom of the deep, deep sea! Admission is FREE.

Dr. Katrina Edwards, Professor of Biological Sciences, Earth Sciences and Environmental Studies, University of Southern California and Principal Investigator of the Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations. Professor Edwards' research interests include geomicrobiology and microbial life at or below the sea floor, and the interaction of microbes and rock.

Team members along with several other major research institutions are drilling holes in the ocean floor in three locations under the sea floor - the North Pond, Juan de Fuca, and South Pacific Gyre - in order to study how life thrives in sediments and rock below the bottom of the ocean. The cornerstone of Professor Edwards' lab research is in the development of a mechanistic understanding of the microbial processes and controls on rock, mineral and organic matter transformations, and the establishment of means to delineate their influences.

Aquarium of the Pacific
100 Aquarium Way
Long Beach, CA 90802

COSEE West, C-DEBI, and the Aquarium of the Pacific present this free lecture for educators and the public in the 2010-2011 series co-sponsored by Boeing.

Contact Name: COSEE West office
Contact Phone: (310) 206-8247
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