
Some Like It Hot … And Toxic
Date: 11/30/11 6:30 pm - 11/30/11 8:30 pm
Location: Cabrillo Marine Aquarium

Life emerged on Earth circa 3.5-4 billion years ago. Since then, microorganisms have coevolved with Earth, altering the chemistry of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. Bacteria, and the more recently identified Archaea, inhabit some of the most inhospitable, extreme environments on our planet: hot springs, submarine thermal vents, acid mines, saturated salt ponds, arsenic-laden waters, and the deep subsurface. Why are we so interested in these ‘extremophiles’, what can they tell us about the limits of life, and how do they inform us on life’s origin?

Jan Amend is a professor of microbial geochemistry in the Departments of Earth Sciences and Biological Sciences at USC. He is also the Associate Director of the newly funded National Science Foundation research center, Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI) focused on exploring the biosphere in the deep subsurface.

Map & Driving Directions
Bring your parking ticket to the lecture for validation.

Please register by November 25 by contacting UCLA COSEE West. Educator stipends and a light supper* are available to all educators who register in advance. K-12 teachers may get documentation for Professional Development hours upon request.

*Generously provided by a grant from Boeing to USC for COSEE West.

Contact Name: COSEE West
Contact Phone: (310) 206-8247
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