
Seagrass Ecosystems in a Changing World
Date: 01/21/16 7:00 PM Eastern
Location: Indian River Room of the Pelican Yacht Club, 1120 Seaway Drive, South Hutchinson Island, Fort Pierce, FL

Seagrasses are found in coastal waters around the world and provide a number of critical ecological services, ranging from production of food and oxygen for marine organisms to nutrient cycling and shoreline stabilization. These underwater meadows are in a state of decline due to a rapidly growing human population. Dr. Justin Campbell, Research Biologist at the Smithsonian Marine Station and Dr. James Douglas, Assistant Professor at Florida Gulf Coast University, will discuss the environmental pressures impacting these fragile systems, and highlight how scientific research has contributed to a greater understanding of seagrass resilience.

Contact Name: Jasmine Fox
Contact Phone: (772) 465-3271
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