
Strategies for Cultural Inclusiveness and Diversity for Ocean Science Education
Date: 07/26/16 2:00 PM Eastern
Location: Online

The Consortium for Ocean Science Exploration and Engagement (COSEE) invites educators, scientists, and interested parties to participate in its final webinar as part of the 2016 series.

A diverse workforce is vital to ocean science innovation, problem solving, public engagement, efficacy, and impact. As the ocean science community continues to look for effective ways to broaden participation and increase diversity in the field, the role of culture, cultural sensitivity, and cultural integration in ocean science education are important considerations. In this webinar we will look at approaches for enhancing cultural inclusiveness within various ocean science education frameworks that have been implemented in the COSEE Network. Exemplar programs and practices at the pre-college, undergraduate, and graduate levels will be highlighted.

To attend this webinar, you must register using this link by July 22, 2016.


Marilyn Sigman is Alaska Sea Grant's Marine Education Specialist and an Associate Professor of Marine Education in the University of Alaska Fairbanks School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences. She was the Program Manager for COSEE Alaska for six years.She has worked for several decades in the field of natural resource management for both state and federal agencies, and as an educator, education program manager, and executive director of non-profit organizations. She has an undergraduate degree in Human Biology and an M.S. in Wildlife Management and recently completed an MFA in Creative Writing/Literary Arts.

Dr. Corey Garza is an associate professor of Marine Science in the School of Natural Sciences at California State University, Monterey Bay. He serves as the principal investigator for the Marine Landscape Ecology Lab where his group employs GIS modeling and spatial statistics to study linkages between species distribution and habitat complexity in the marine environment. He is also active in promoting the participation of underrepresented in groups in STEM through research and conference based activities. Dr. Garza serves as the director for the Ocean Science REU at CSUMB and, for the last 12 years, has organized scientific and professional development sessions in Ocean Science at the annual SACNAS Advancing Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science conference.

Dr. Judy Lemus is a science and education faculty member at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology at the University of Hawaii, Manoa. She develops collaborative partnerships that promote community-science interactions, integrate science and culture, and provide professional development opportunities for both young and established scientists. Dr. Lemus received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Biology from UCLA and a Ph.D. in Marine Biology from the University of Southern California with a specialization in symbiotic systems. She led marine education and outreach programs in southern California for 10 years as the Marine Advisory Program Leader for USC Sea Grant and the Director of Education for the USC Wrigley Institute of Environmental Studies. Her citizen science work in Hawaii focuses on creating opportunities for community members that integrate science and traditional knowledge. Dr. Lemus is currently the principle investigator and director of the National Science Foundation “Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence” in Hawaii (COSEE Island Earth). She is an active participant of the International Pacific Marine Educators Network and a partner in the Pacific Islands Climate Education Partnership to provide professional development in climate science for high school teachers in Hawaii and the Pacific.

Contact Name: Andrea Gingras
Contact Phone: (401) 874-6524
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